Natural Wellness Evaluation Components
Hara Study

The Hara Study helps the practitioner evaluate trapped or low energy based on Japanese energy systems. The hara areas that are studied are located in the epigastric and gastric regions of the body. These regions are palpated by the practitioner. They will identify tightness or softness. Upon identification the practitioner will note areas that may need stimulation or release. These areas are in direct correlation with the oriental meridian systems used in Chinese and Japanese acupressure and acupuncture.

Iridology is the analysis of the patterns in the iris of the eye. These patterns indicate the levels of energy within the body. This study reveals the client’s general constitution, low or trapped energy in organs, cleansing issues, and areas needing nutritional balance. “Iridology will not show or name a specific disease,” parasites, organism, or pregnancy. It does not diagnose disease. It is used as a preventative measure and aides in support of the human body. This support can be achieved with a proper nutritional program and exercise*.
Tongue Observation

Pulse Reading

Oriental Visual / Face Observation
Bio-Energy Field Testing
Electronic Bio-Energy Field Testing
Aura Bio-Energy Field Measurement
Remedy Testing
Additional Exam Components / Client History / Teaching
Each Natural Health/Holistic Exam lasts between one and ½ to two hours depending upon the severity of the complaint. An exam is individualized for each client and the components may vary slightly based upon the client’s needs and the assessment of the practitioner. The majority of the exam components are completed within the initial exam but may be completed within a follow-up exam or with an associate practitioner. Washington Institute’s practitioners work within a team format in the care of clients. Each practitioner has specific methods and specialties within Natural Health Care.
Based upon the results of the studies and observation, the practitioner recommends natural substances or modalities to achieve balance. All of the studies and observations listed above are not considered to be medical diagnoses. For a medical diagnosis see your physician.
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