As the Director of the Institute, Victoria Goldsten runs the facility, supervises interns, and takes care of clients. She practices Bodywork methods, Contemporary Homeopathy as well as Complementary and Alternative Medicine Nursing.

Victoria Goldsten, HD, PhD, LMT, LPN, BSN
Certified Complementary and Alternative Medicine Nurse, Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapist, Certified Holistic Nurse, Doctor of Homeopathy (Contemporary Method), Doctor of Philosophy in Holistic Health,
Natural Health Care Nurse, Homeopathic Nurse, Certified Contemporary Homeopathy,
Certified Natural Health Practitioner, Registered Health Educator, Registered Integrative Homeopathic Doctor,
Registered Holistic Health Doctor, Licensed Massage Therapist (Washington, DC and Maryland),
Nurse Massage Therapist, Clinical Supervisor, Licensed Nurse (Washington, DC and Maryland Multi-State Compact License with Recognition in Virginia)
Naturopathic Doctor (Virginia)
Natural Health Services: Natural Wellness Evaluation, Follow-up Evaluation, Acupressure, Lymphatic Drainage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Massage Therapy, Neural Therapy, Ultrasound with Lymph Drainage, and Detox Massage
Natural Health Services: Natural Wellness Evaluation, Follow-up Evaluation, Acupressure, Lymphatic Drainage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Massage Therapy, Neural Therapy, Ultrasound with Lymph Drainage, and Detox Massage
- Clinical Supervisor
- Biography
- Services
- Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Stress, the Adrenals, and Physical Illness
- Chakra Balancing with Guided Imagery
Voice of America Video
- Article: What the experts say
- Shadowing Victoria Goldsten
- Interviews by Students
- Victoria Goldsten’s Homeopathic Pain Cream
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Questions or Appointment Scheduling
- Testimonials
- As the Director of the Institute, Victoria Goldsten runs the facility, supervises interns, and takes care of clients. She practices Bodywork methods, Contemporary Homeopathy as well as Complementary and Alternative Medicine Nursing.

Victoria Goldsten, HD, PhD, LMT, LPN, BSN
Certified Complementary and Alternative Medicine Nurse, Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapist, Certified Holistic Nurse, Doctor of Homeopathy (Contemporary Method), Doctor of Philosophy in Holistic Health,
Natural Health Care Nurse, Homeopathic Nurse, Certified Contemporary Homeopathy,
Certified Natural Health Practitioner, Registered Health Educator, Registered Integrative Homeopathic Doctor,
Registered Holistic Health Doctor, Licensed Massage Therapist (Washington, DC and Maryland),
Nurse Massage Therapist, Clinical Supervisor, Licensed Nurse (Washington, DC and Maryland Multi-State Compact License with Recognition in Virginia)
Naturopathic Doctor (Virginia)
Natural Health Services: Natural Wellness Evaluation, Follow-up Evaluation, Acupressure, Lymphatic Drainage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Massage Therapy, Neural Therapy, Ultrasound with Lymph Drainage, and Detox Massage
Natural Health Services: Natural Wellness Evaluation, Follow-up Evaluation, Acupressure, Lymphatic Drainage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Massage Therapy, Neural Therapy, Ultrasound with Lymph Drainage, and Detox Massage