Victoria Goldsten’s Homeopathic Pain Cream

Over 15 years ago Victoria Goldsten found that a homeopathic pain cream formula was needed for her clients. Due to this need she set forth researching the necessary ingredients. Through that research she developed the contents of Victoria Goldsten’s Homeopathic Pain Cream

This cream is exclusively created for Victoria Goldsten by a professional homeopathic manufacturer. The formula has a creamy smooth consistency and relieves aches, pain and inflammation. It is dispensed only at the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine.


Over the past several years I have used Victoria Goldsten’s special pain cream as a healing aid for several issues. I rely on it to heal and erase quickly, bruises and black and blue marks. The cream also has reduced and eliminated pain in areas of my spine that were temporarily out of alignment. In addition to its healing capacities the cream’s rich, creamy, velvety texture makes it an ideal moisturizer for my shin.

For Details Contact Washington Institute Of Natural Medicine (202) 686-8202