The True And Original Form Of Colon Hydrotherapy


Cheri Mallory, Veda Hicks, And Rachael Murray

Washington Institute of Natural Medicine offers lower bowel cleansing. Holistic Colon Irrigation is one of the oldest known health procedures. Colon therapy is the beginning step in a process of detoxifying the body of food additives, preservatives, bacteria and viruses, all of which diminish the body’s ability to function.

With Holistic Colon irrigation, your sense of well being is often dramatically improved.

You feel lighter and more energetic.

  • The body can again take more nourishment from food and better defend itself against disease.
  • Natural peristalsis, tone and regularity are restored and many serious diseases may be averted through this gentle, gravity fed method
  • Skin condition is improved
  • Less body odor and bad breath
  • Less belly distension
  • Weight loss

If you do not have a bowel movement for each meal you eat, then you need help to get your system in shape.

· The importance of keeping our body clean inside as well as out cannot be over emphasized. You will not be able to secure good health unless, number one, you clean out your system, and these systems can’t be cleaned out if the main drain is sluggish or plugged up. Our colon is the main drain and if you could see what has come out of people’s unhealthy colons, you would hardly believe it. In autopsies on colons, seventy percent of the bodies had encrusted fecal matter and worms and impaction in the colon. I lost 8 pounds after my first colon cleanse and colonic.

Colonics will not only tell you if you have parasites but also help to remove them. Some symptoms of parasites can include restless sleeping, fatigue, poor assimilation and absorption of nutrients, food cravings (especially for sugars and breads), as well as an inability to feel satisfied after a large meal.

Colonics will also help improve the beneficial bacteria in your bowel. Even though some good and bad bacteria will be washed out during the session, it is much easier for the body to reproduce beneficial bacteria after a session when bad bacteria and waste have been reduced. I can also recommend some products that can help keep your intestinal track in tip top shape.If you tried it once, you know why so many people love it; the benefits outweigh any concerns that you might have. It is safe and a surprisingly pleasant procedure if done by a well trained holistic practitioner.

Contraindications to colon hydrotherapy include congestive heart failure, intestinal perforation, carcinoma of the rectum, fissures or fistula, severe hemorrhoids, abdominal hernia, renal insufficiency, recent colon or rectal surgery, cirrhosis of the liver, and first and last trimester of pregnancy.

One Hour Session: $95.00

Three Treatment Package: 255.00 (Each Treatment $85.00)

Six Treatment Package 480.00 (Each Treatment 80.00)

All fees are subject to change. This web page is not contractual. Please call ahead to verify.